S. Komeda, M. Tsunoda, K. Nakasai, and H. Uwano, "Prediction of Residual Defects After Code Review Based on Reviewer Confidence," IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E106.D(3), pp. 273-276, March 2024.
ID 232
分類 論文誌
タグ after code confidence defects prediction residual review reviewer
表題 (title) Prediction of Residual Defects After Code Review Based on Reviewer Confidence
表題 (英文)
著者名 (author) Shin Komeda, Masateru Tsunoda, Keitaro Nakasai, Hidetake Uwano
英文著者名 (author)
キー (key)
定期刊行物名 (journal) IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems
定期刊行物名 (英文)
巻数 (volume) E106.D
号数 (number) 3
ページ範囲 (pages) 273-276
刊行月 (month) 3
出版年 (year) 2024
Impact Factor (JCR)
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract)
論文電子ファイル 利用できません.
         title = {Prediction of Residual Defects after Code Review Based on Reviewer Confidence},
        author = {Shin Komeda and  Masateru Tsunoda and  Keitaro Nakasai and  Hidetake Uwano},
       journal = {IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems},
        volume = {E106.D},
        number = {3},
         pages = {273-276},
         month = {3},
          year = {2024},

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